Friday, February 5, 2010

Causes of Crime ~ February 5

GOODMORNING my brilliant criminal minds! You did AWESOME work in groups and you learned about what research and people believe to be the MAIN CAUSES of crime. Now that you know that these causes, the essential question is...what are we going to do to STOP the cycle? What is the solution? How can crime be prevented?

So many times society wants a "quick fix" and we see politicans passing laws to "control" crime...this is a "band-aid" solution...the things that will work require committment, sacrifice, and investment from all of us.

  • What are your ideas?
  • What are some things that will work and explain why.
  • What are possible limitations to this? (funding, timing, etc)

I suggest doing a Google search first to get some ideas.... enter "solutions to crime in United States"

1 comment:

mFox said...

This assignment is quite neat.