Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Capital Punishment in our Criminal Justice System

Well hello there fellow bloggers! You did a GREAT JOB on your blogging assignment, I enjoy reading your comments and thoughts...let's get started on our next! You read 2 viewpoints of how the Death Penalty may or may not deter crime as well as other statistics in support for and against this form of punishment when you used the internet to research specific facts about the death penalty.

You each have your own idea about capital punishment and are now able to add strength and actual data to back up your opinion.

Your Assignment, you do not have to answer all of these, but they will help get you thinking:
1. Is capital punishment (death penalty) an effective deterrent to crime? why(not)?
2. What do you view as the biggest benefit/weakness to capital punishment?

3. The average cost of keeping a prisoner in jail for 1 year is $22,600. The average time spent on death row is 11 years. This is $248,600 spent on 1 inmate. The average cost per student in public school each year is $9,800 (a difference of $12,800). So, in your 12 years of schooling, the national average is $117,600. What is your opinion regarding this?
3. What surprised or shocked you in your findings about the death penalty?

After you blog, you are required to post a comment on at least 2 other blogs....check out new ones! :)

remember...I read each of your blogs and comments, so while you may not see me respond, I am looking!

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