Friday, January 29, 2010

Criminal Law! Welcome!

Welcome to Second Semester and February! I'm having difficulty believing that we are 1/2 way through the school year! While I am not looking forward to how quickly this semester will go by, I'm certainly looking forward to the snow melting! First thing you need to know about me...I'm not a fan of snow, or winter, or ice, or wind and the combination of each is not pleasant. But I'm here for you so thus, I will get through it and look forward to April weather!

Ok...lets get on with the learning! Criminal law is a wonderful class and one of my absolute favorites to teach! We are gonig to have a great time this semester and you are going to learn and gorw so very much!

Each of you will be creating a blog just like this one on Blogger, but remember to check back here for important updates, assignments, and new posts that are required for you to blog about.

Here is your first blogging assignment:

Currently, the criminal justice system is broken down into two models, the Consensus model and the Conflict model. The criminal justice system is comprised of three basic levels, policing, justice, and corrections. Society relies on the two models of criminal justice system to ensure that justice is achieved. Some individuals disagree on which model should be implemented to guarantee due process.

Using your notes, write a paragraph stating at least 2 reasons why both models exist in society and 2 key terms that you think of when you hear about each of the models.

Select 1 model (consensus or conflict), and create a scenario like I demonstrated to you in class. Make sure it is apparent which model is represented through your scenario. This is your time to be creative and have fun demonstrating your knowledge!